Saturday, July 4, 2015

20 weeks

how far along?  20 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track, as far as I know
size of baby? size of a banana (6.5 in, 10 oz)
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 10 pounds.  
maternity clothes? maternity scrubs and maternity t-shirts; I can still fit in one pair of jeans and my regular shorts
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The black line on my belly is starting to show up.
sleep? I've been sleeping pretty good.  I still get leg cramps a few nights and have to get up and walk around for them to go away.  I've also started getting up again to pee usually around 4am, but have no problem falling back asleep.
best moment this week? We registered at Babies R Us last weekend and then my mom and I registered at Target today.  We also found material for Douglas's quilt that my mom will make.  We celebrated the 4th of July with Coy's family yesterday and when it was time for dessert, Todd and Jonathan had made a special cookie for their cousin with the initials "LD" for "Little Dougie".
movement? not yet 
food cravings? I usually eat some kind of ice cream every night.
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  having normal size ankles
what I'm looking forward to?  going to the doctor on Thursday for my 20 week anatomy scan...I hope she says it's still a boy!
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good 

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