Sunday, July 26, 2015

23 weeks

how far along?  23 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - feeling like I'm getting bigger by the day
size of baby? size of a papaya/mango (8 in, 1.2 lb)
heartbeat? 142-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment; it did go up to 160, but came down to the 140's
total weight gain/loss? I haven't stepped on the scale this week.
maternity clothes? My regular t-shirts are starting to feel a little snug.  Other than that, everything else is maternity.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The linea nigra and the area around my belly button is getting darker.
sleep? I get up once or twice a night to use the bathroom and turn side to side several times through the night.  I got a new Fitbit that measures my sleep, so I can tell when I'm restless.
best moment this week? ordering Douglas his first pair of Wrangler jeans; I've found a few resale websites that have brand name clothes for decent prices
movement? I'm still not sure if I've felt him or not.  It worries me a little bit because everybody asks me about feeling him move, but he was active at my dr appt.
food cravings? Somebody brought Hot Tamales to work this week and I've been craving spicy food since I had a few of those.  No heartburn yet.
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  being able to reach my feet without being out of breath 
what I'm looking forward to?  spending the week in Missouri on our church's mission trip - my orders have been to stay in the kitchen in the A/C so far
how are you feeling?  not feeling bad, but definitely not the person that just loves being pregnant

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