Friday, July 10, 2015

21 weeks

how far along?  21 weeks
how are you measuring? about a week ahead according to the 20 week sonogram - she said a due date of November 14 instead of November 20
size of baby? size of a carrot (7 in); he weighs about a pound according to the sonogram
heartbeat? 143 bpm (at my 20 week sonogram)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 10-12 pounds.  I feel like I'm gaining more than I should.
maternity clothes? Pretty much all maternity clothes; I had to buy a new pair of tennis shoes 1/2 size bigger for my swelling feet
stretch marks? I've noticed more on my boobs. The black line on my belly is getting darker.
sleep? I've been sleeping pretty good.  I haven't had leg cramps this week.
best moment this week? Seeing Douglas moving around on the sonogram and finding out that he looks healthy.  I was supposed to see the doctor on the same day, but had to reschedule since she got called to surgery twice.

movement? not yet - my placenta is anterior, so it will take longer for me to feel him move
food cravings? Ice cream, Coke Icee - not really cravings, but treats that I enjoy since it's been so hot
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?   being able to exercise without getting out of breath so quickly
what I'm looking forward to?  Feeling Douglas move around - even though people tell me that it gets to be uncomfortable
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good overall; starting to feel a little anxious since we're supposed to be remodeling our whole house before he gets here

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