how far along? 22 weeks
how are you measuring? At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, I measured 22cm at 21w4d. My doctor said I was right on track and not changing my due date even though the sonogram showed I was 6 days ahead.
size of baby? size of a squash (8 in, 1 lb)
heartbeat? 142-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment; it did go up to 160, but came down to the 140's
total weight gain/loss? My doctor said I only gained 9 lb, even though my scale shows 12-14.
maternity clothes? I bought a few more pairs of maternity shorts and a pair of capris.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones. I can tell my belly button is not as deep, but not close to popping all the way out.
sleep? I've started getting up once a night to use the bathroom again, but can go back to sleep pretty quickly.
best moment this week? finally seeing the doctor and getting a good report
movement? I'm feeling flutters every once in awhile, but still not quite sure what I'm supposed to feel.
food cravings? I still have ice cream every night. I'll enjoy it while I can since my glucose test is in a few weeks.
gender predictions? It's a boy!
what I miss? having more than 2 pairs of shoes that actually fit my swollen feet - I switch between some slip-on Skechers that I wear to work and flip flops
what I'm looking forward to? having baby Douglas here, but only when he's ready
how are you feeling? still feeling pretty good overall - my ankles are starting to bother me a little bit, but the doctor wasn't concerned since my blood pressure has been normal and there is no protein in my urine
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