Sunday, October 25, 2015

36 weeks

how far along?  36 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - I measured 35 cm at my doctor's appointment when I was 35w4d
size of baby? size of a large canteloupe or swiss chard (19-22 in, 6 lb)
heartbeat? 145-150 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? 30 lb at my last doctor's appointment; I had gained 4 lb in 2 weeks
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts and t-shirts.  I was wearing some maternity capris and a t-shirt yesterday while we were running errands and I didn't realize my t-shirt kept riding up and showing the stretch band on my pants.  It's also getting cold, but I'm trying not to buy anymore maternity clothes since I'm so close to the end.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  My belly button is getting darker and is getting closer to popping out.
sleep?  Some nights are good; some are not so good.  I've been getting up 2 or 3 times each night.
best moment this week? We had a shower with our church family last Sunday.  Coy and I went out yesterday to get a few little things we had left.
movement?  I still feel him more in the evenings, but I think he's running out of room.  I think I felt hiccups lower in my belly, but then I felt the same thing up higher later in the week.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  I'm trying to enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy and be positive.
what I'm looking forward to?  Just waiting for Douglas to make his arrival. I'm also starting the see the doctor every week.
how are you feeling?  It's been raining the past few days thanks to Tropical Storm Patricia, so the cooler weather has been nice (except for the fact I don't really have any appropriate shoes that fit right now).  I'm just ready for Douglas to be here.  I feel like he's dropped a little bit and am starting to feel more pressure.

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