Saturday, October 10, 2015

34 weeks

how far along?  34 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - I measured 33 cm at my doctor's appointment when I was 33w3d
size of baby? size of a pineapple (19-22 in, 4.9 lb)
heartbeat? 140-143 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? 26 lb; I gained 5 lb over the past 2 weeks, but my doctor didn't seemed concerned
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts and t-shirts.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.
sleep?  This was my worst week of sleep so far.  Some nights I got up 4 or 5 times to go to the bathroom.  It's starting to hurt every time I try to turn over.  I tried sleeping in the recliner, but that was even more uncomfortable.
best moment this week? We had a shower with my family in Beaumont.
movement?  I still feel him more in the evenings, but will feel him during the day every once in awhile.   The doctor heard his heartbeat on the lower left side of my belly, so she thinks he is head down.  He stays more on my left side and can feel his butt toward the top of my belly. 
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  having uninterrupted sleep; several people have commented that it's just getting me ready for nights with a newborn
what I'm looking forward to?  I have one more shower next weekend.  I'm getting excited to have Baby Douglas here with us.
how are you feeling?  I've been exhausted this week.  My hours are still lighter at work, but not getting much sleep at night has taken a toll on me.

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