Friday, July 31, 2015

Mission Trip - Fulton, MO

Our mission trip this year was in Fulton, Missouri where the guys put a metal roof on a new church building and the youth held several backyard bible clubs.  
Corey preached on Sunday morning about how light works best in dark places and that we are the bearers of the light until Jesus' return. Jared preached on Sunday night about transforming our hearts.
At the worksite.
The guys started where that line is in the middle.  The first few days were very hot, but it cooled off a little, allowing them to get a lot more done each day.
The last piece of metal had a bible verse and all of our names.  Hebrews 11:6 - Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Coy mostly stayed on the ground.

And my orders were to stay in the kitchen in the AC.
Each night we had a time of sharing and relaxing.
 We also made nightly ice cream stops.
 The last night we went bowling.  I took it easy, but was still able to bowl.

 Philippians 4:19 - And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

24 weeks

how far along?  24 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - feeling like I'm getting bigger by the day
size of baby? size of an ear of corn (8.5 in, 1.5 lb)
heartbeat? 142-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment; it did go up to 160, but came down to the 140's
total weight gain/loss? I haven't stepped on the scale this week.
maternity clothes? My regular shorts are getting tight and uncomfortable, so I'm pretty much in all maternity except a few pair of workout shorts.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  
sleep? Still getting up once or twice in the middle of the night.  It's getting harder to turn side to side during the night.
best moment this week? spending the week in Missouri working in the kitchen - "barefoot and pregnant" as one of the guys say
movement? Flutters here and there
food cravings? We've had ice cream every night this week while in Missouri.
gender predictions?  It's a boy!  Since some guys from church nicknamed Coy "Catfish" on the mission trip last year, I became "Guppy" this year and Douglas is "Caviar".
what I miss?  Being able to use the small stalls in the bathroom without having to squeeze my big ole belly in there
what I'm looking forward to?  meeting our little guy - only 16 weeks left
how are you feeling?  My ankles still swell during the day, but I can tell my feet aren't as swollen because my flip flops slide on easier.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

23 weeks

how far along?  23 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - feeling like I'm getting bigger by the day
size of baby? size of a papaya/mango (8 in, 1.2 lb)
heartbeat? 142-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment; it did go up to 160, but came down to the 140's
total weight gain/loss? I haven't stepped on the scale this week.
maternity clothes? My regular t-shirts are starting to feel a little snug.  Other than that, everything else is maternity.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The linea nigra and the area around my belly button is getting darker.
sleep? I get up once or twice a night to use the bathroom and turn side to side several times through the night.  I got a new Fitbit that measures my sleep, so I can tell when I'm restless.
best moment this week? ordering Douglas his first pair of Wrangler jeans; I've found a few resale websites that have brand name clothes for decent prices
movement? I'm still not sure if I've felt him or not.  It worries me a little bit because everybody asks me about feeling him move, but he was active at my dr appt.
food cravings? Somebody brought Hot Tamales to work this week and I've been craving spicy food since I had a few of those.  No heartburn yet.
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  being able to reach my feet without being out of breath 
what I'm looking forward to?  spending the week in Missouri on our church's mission trip - my orders have been to stay in the kitchen in the A/C so far
how are you feeling?  not feeling bad, but definitely not the person that just loves being pregnant

Saturday, July 18, 2015

22 weeks

how far along?  22 weeks
how are you measuring? At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, I measured 22cm at 21w4d.  My doctor said I was right on track and not changing my due date even though the sonogram showed I was 6 days ahead.
size of baby? size of a squash (8 in, 1 lb)
heartbeat? 142-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment; it did go up to 160, but came down to the 140's
total weight gain/loss? My doctor said I only gained 9 lb, even though my scale shows 12-14.
maternity clothes? I bought a few more pairs of maternity shorts and a pair of capris.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  I can tell my belly button is not as deep, but not close to popping all the way out.
sleep? I've started getting up once a night to use the bathroom again, but can go back to sleep pretty quickly.
best moment this week? finally seeing the doctor and getting a good report
movement? I'm feeling flutters every once in awhile, but still not quite sure what I'm supposed to feel.
food cravings? I still have ice cream every night.  I'll enjoy it while I can since my glucose test is in a few weeks.
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  having more than 2 pairs of shoes that actually fit my swollen feet - I switch between some slip-on Skechers that I wear to work and flip flops
what I'm looking forward to?  having baby Douglas here, but only when he's ready
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good overall - my ankles are starting to bother me a little bit, but the doctor wasn't concerned since my blood pressure has been normal and there is no protein in my urine

Friday, July 10, 2015

21 weeks

how far along?  21 weeks
how are you measuring? about a week ahead according to the 20 week sonogram - she said a due date of November 14 instead of November 20
size of baby? size of a carrot (7 in); he weighs about a pound according to the sonogram
heartbeat? 143 bpm (at my 20 week sonogram)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 10-12 pounds.  I feel like I'm gaining more than I should.
maternity clothes? Pretty much all maternity clothes; I had to buy a new pair of tennis shoes 1/2 size bigger for my swelling feet
stretch marks? I've noticed more on my boobs. The black line on my belly is getting darker.
sleep? I've been sleeping pretty good.  I haven't had leg cramps this week.
best moment this week? Seeing Douglas moving around on the sonogram and finding out that he looks healthy.  I was supposed to see the doctor on the same day, but had to reschedule since she got called to surgery twice.

movement? not yet - my placenta is anterior, so it will take longer for me to feel him move
food cravings? Ice cream, Coke Icee - not really cravings, but treats that I enjoy since it's been so hot
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?   being able to exercise without getting out of breath so quickly
what I'm looking forward to?  Feeling Douglas move around - even though people tell me that it gets to be uncomfortable
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good overall; starting to feel a little anxious since we're supposed to be remodeling our whole house before he gets here

Saturday, July 4, 2015

20 weeks

how far along?  20 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track, as far as I know
size of baby? size of a banana (6.5 in, 10 oz)
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 10 pounds.  
maternity clothes? maternity scrubs and maternity t-shirts; I can still fit in one pair of jeans and my regular shorts
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The black line on my belly is starting to show up.
sleep? I've been sleeping pretty good.  I still get leg cramps a few nights and have to get up and walk around for them to go away.  I've also started getting up again to pee usually around 4am, but have no problem falling back asleep.
best moment this week? We registered at Babies R Us last weekend and then my mom and I registered at Target today.  We also found material for Douglas's quilt that my mom will make.  We celebrated the 4th of July with Coy's family yesterday and when it was time for dessert, Todd and Jonathan had made a special cookie for their cousin with the initials "LD" for "Little Dougie".
movement? not yet 
food cravings? I usually eat some kind of ice cream every night.
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  having normal size ankles
what I'm looking forward to?  going to the doctor on Thursday for my 20 week anatomy scan...I hope she says it's still a boy!
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good