how far along? 31 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - my belly measured 30 cm when I was 29w4d at my doctor's appointment on Tuesday
size of baby? size of a pineapple (18 in, 3.2 lb)
heartbeat? 147-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? 20 lb
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts. Everything is getting tight, but I hope I can make it to the end without buying much more.
stretch marks? No new ones.
sleep? I get up just about every night to go to the bathroom. I have leg cramps 1 or 2 nights a week. I feel like a beached whale trying to flip over. Our bed is full of pillows that have to be placed just right to get comfortable.
best moment this week? We met a pediatrician that was recommended by several friends. We moved out of our house to start the remodel. I put together the BOB jogging stroller and bought a toy organizer.
movement? I feel him moving throughout the day - usually after I have eaten. It's neat, but still strange to see my belly moving.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions? It's a boy!
what I miss? being able to do more at work - I have to rely on other people to help transfer patients and I feel like I'm bothering them sometimes
what I'm looking forward to? Going to the doctor more frequently to check on Douglas - we're going every 2 weeks now. We are also into the single digit countdown with 9 weeks to go.
how are you feeling? I'm still feeling tired. I've had some round ligament pain and hip pain on my left side.
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