Saturday, September 26, 2015

32 weeks

how far along?  32 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - I forgot to ask what I measured at my doctor's appointment, but my doctor didn't mention any concerns.  I get several comments a day where people say "You don't have much longer" and they're surprised when I say that I still have about 2 months.
size of baby? size of a head of lettuce (19 in, 3.9 lb)
heartbeat? 140-143 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? 21 lb
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts and t-shirts.    Everything is getting tight, but I hope I can make it to the end without buying much more.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.
sleep?  I sleep pretty well most nights once I'm comfortable.  I usually lay on my left side and end up on my back, but turn over as soon as I notice.  I've gotten used to getting up to go to the bathroom and then fall right back asleep.
best moment this week? My co-workers threw a shower for me on Thursday.  

movement?  I still feel him moving throughout the day - some days he's more active than others.  At my doctor's appointment, she found the heart beat on the lower left side of my belly.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  Just having energy 
what I'm looking forward to?  I have several showers coming up.  We're taking maternity pictures tonight.  
how are you feeling?  I've had a little more energy this week, but still feel tired starting about 2 in the afternoon.  The nesting has started.  I came home one day this week and started organizing all of Douglas' clothes and things we've gotten so far.  Even though we're not in our house right now, I'm trying to stay on top of everything, so baby things don't overtake our house.

Friday, September 18, 2015

31 weeks

how far along?  31 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - my belly measured 30 cm when I was 29w4d at my doctor's appointment on Tuesday
size of baby? size of a pineapple (18 in, 3.2 lb)
heartbeat? 147-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? 20 lb
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts.   Everything is getting tight, but I hope I can make it to the end without buying much more.
stretch marks? No new ones.
sleep?  I get up just about every night to go to the bathroom.  I have leg cramps 1 or 2 nights a week.  I feel like a beached whale trying to flip over.  Our bed is full of pillows that have to be placed just right to get comfortable.
best moment this week? We met a pediatrician that was recommended by several friends.  We moved out of our house to start the remodel.  I put together the BOB jogging stroller and bought a toy organizer.
movement?  I feel him moving throughout the day - usually after I have eaten.  It's neat, but still strange to see my belly moving.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  being able to do more at work - I have to rely on other people to help transfer patients and  I feel like I'm bothering them sometimes
what I'm looking forward to?  Going to the doctor more frequently to check on Douglas - we're going every 2 weeks now.  We are also into the single digit countdown with 9 weeks to go.
how are you feeling?  I'm still feeling tired.  I've had some round ligament pain and hip pain on my left side.

Friday, September 11, 2015

30 weeks

how far along?  30 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track - my belly measured 30 cm when I was 29w4d at my doctor's appointment on Tuesday
size of baby? size of a coconut (17 in, 3.1 lb)
heartbeat? 147-148 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? 20 lb
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts.   I have to be careful when I'm wearing tank tops around the house because I catch my belly hanging out the bottom every once in awhile.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The dark around my belly button seems to be expanding.
sleep? This week was not a good sleep week - tossing and turning, being so exhausted it's hard to fall asleep, getting up several times a night, leg cramps.
best moment this week? We got a good report from the doctor.  I'm now to the point where I will go every 2 weeks.  We took a breastfeeding class at the hospital.  I already knew most of the information from reading or talking to other moms.  We will give it a shot and see how it goes.
movement?  I felt Douglas moving more this week and even saw my belly move on the outside.  He really likes sweet tea and peanut M&M's - I limit myself to sweets, but need a treat every once in awhile.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  having energy 
what I'm looking forward to?  We're finally starting our remodel, so I'm looking forward to getting our house put back together.  We're still planning to finish before Douglas is here.
how are you feeling?  This week has been exhausting.  I worked extra PRN hours since I won't be doing that much longer.  We started moving out of our house, so I took a few light loads over.  I was congested a few days and just felt bad.  I think it was just allergies.  Several people at work commented on how tired I looked.

Monday, September 7, 2015

29 weeks

how far along?  29 weeks
how are you measuring? I still feel like I'm measuring a little ahead, but I will find out on Tuesday 
size of baby? size of a head of lettuce (17 in, 2.9 lb)
heartbeat? 150 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? ~18-20 lb
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts.  I bought a few nicer shirts, a pair of jeans, and black dress capris.
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The area around my belly button is still getting darker.  My belly button is not as deep, but I'm not sure it will pop out completely since it was big to begin with.
sleep? Still getting up once or twice on most nights.  I'm constantly tossing and turning during the night to get comfortable.  It's getting harder to flip from side to side.
best moment this week? Buying Douglas a few smocked outfits at a consignment sale and clearance at Dillards.  We haven't really bought any big things yet, but he does have a Christmas stocking.  
movement?  I feel little movements throughout the day, especially after I've eaten something sweet.  I'm anxious to check on him on Tuesday.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  being able to bend down without being out of breath; sleeping on my stomach
what I'm looking forward to?  celebrating with friends and family at baby showers
how are you feeling?  My feet have started to swell again.  All the tiredness from the first trimester is coming back.  Most days I come home and take a nap.