Sunday, June 7, 2015

16 weeks

how far along? 16 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track, as far as I know
size of baby? size of an avocado
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained 3-5 pounds.  
maternity clothes? I still feel like I'm at an awkward stage.  I bought some tshirts from Motherhood, but everything else I tried on didn't fit right.
stretch marks? I noticed a few small ones around my belly button.
sleep? I've been sleeping better.  I start on my side and usually end up on my back.  I've read that you're not supposed to sleep on your back after a certain point, but it hasn't bothered me yet.
best moment this week?  I've had more energy in the evenings and haven't felt like I needed to go straight to bed when I got home from work.
movement? not yet - This was what most people are asking about now.
food cravings? fresh pineapple and watermelon
gender predictions?  I've been thinking boy.  Just for fun, I looked at the old wives' tales.

what I miss?  nothing really - I've just been enjoying my pregnancy so far.
what I'm looking forward to?  checking on the peanut at my dr appt on Tuesday and seeing when we can find out the gender
how are you feeling?  Everything has gone smoothly so far - several people have commented about how lucky I am to be feeling so well.  

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