Saturday, May 16, 2015

13 weeks

how far along? 13 weeks
how are you measuring? I feel huge already, but I'm right on track.
size of baby? size of a peapod 
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 1 pound.
maternity clothes? I've bought a pair of shorts and a few shirts, but haven't worn them yet.  My scrub tops are getting a little tight, so I've been wearing stretchy tshirts instead.
stretch marks? a few on my boobs
sleep? I'm already having a hard time getting comfortable and am getting up at least once to go to the bathroom.
best moment this week?  Hearing baby N's heartbeat and getting a few Mother's Day cards in the mail.  
movement? not yet
food cravings? Popsicles - I'm sad Blue Bell is still on recall, so I can't have any Creamsicles.
gender predictions?  When my sister and I looked at Chinese gender charts, one said boy and the other said girl.  At my ultrasound at 11 weeks, the tech might have seen boy parts, but of course it's way too early.  And a higher heartbeat might mean girl.  So, basically I have no idea!
what I miss?  Having energy - I feel like I'm ready for bed as soon as I get home from work.
what I'm looking forward to?  Watching Baby N grow!
how are you feeling?  The nausea I had in the evenings went away about week 10.  I just feel really tired in the evenings.

Here's weeks 10-12.

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