Friday, May 29, 2015

15 weeks

how far along? 15 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track, as far as I know
size of baby? size of an apple
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained 1 or 2 pounds.  
maternity clothes? Just maternity shorts so far.  I can still wear my scrub pants and regular jeans.
stretch marks? a few on my boobs; I started using Palmer's cocoa butter lotion on my belly.
sleep? I haven't been getting up to pee as much and use more pillows to help me get comfortable.
best moment this week?  getting better sleep
movement? not yet
food cravings? fresh pineapple and watermelon
gender predictions?  My dad had a dream about a baby girl.  My mother-in-law had a dream about a blond, blue-eyed baby boy.  Audrey said I was having a "kitty cat", and later said it was a boy.
what I miss?  Being able to work without having to worry about hurting myself or the baby.  I work with some great ladies that have been looking out for me.  I know my limits, and they've been helping me out a lot to make sure I don't overdo it.
what I'm looking forward to?  finding out if the peanut is a boy or a girl - we're getting closer!
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good

Friday, May 22, 2015

14 weeks

how far along? 14 weeks
how are you measuring? I feel huge already, but I'm right on track.
size of baby? size of a lemon
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 1 pound.
maternity clothes? I wore my maternity shorts last weekend and they were so comfy. 
stretch marks? a few on my boobs
sleep? I'm already having a hard time getting comfortable and am getting up at least once to go to the bathroom.
best moment this week?  moving into the 2nd trimester
movement? not yet
food cravings? not many cravings; I'm just not really hungry, but I know I need to eat something.
gender predictions?  still no idea; my coworkers say it's a girl
what I miss?  Getting a good night's rest - I toss and turn at night trying to get comfortable.
what I'm looking forward to?  finding out the gender - I've already found fabric for bedding for a boy and a girl
how are you feeling?  Pretty good overall.  Just a little exhausted in the evenings.  My newest symptom is some lovely acne, mostly on my chin. I've been working out with a personal trainer 2 mornings a week and have been walking most days to try to keep in shape.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

13 weeks

how far along? 13 weeks
how are you measuring? I feel huge already, but I'm right on track.
size of baby? size of a peapod 
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained about 1 pound.
maternity clothes? I've bought a pair of shorts and a few shirts, but haven't worn them yet.  My scrub tops are getting a little tight, so I've been wearing stretchy tshirts instead.
stretch marks? a few on my boobs
sleep? I'm already having a hard time getting comfortable and am getting up at least once to go to the bathroom.
best moment this week?  Hearing baby N's heartbeat and getting a few Mother's Day cards in the mail.  
movement? not yet
food cravings? Popsicles - I'm sad Blue Bell is still on recall, so I can't have any Creamsicles.
gender predictions?  When my sister and I looked at Chinese gender charts, one said boy and the other said girl.  At my ultrasound at 11 weeks, the tech might have seen boy parts, but of course it's way too early.  And a higher heartbeat might mean girl.  So, basically I have no idea!
what I miss?  Having energy - I feel like I'm ready for bed as soon as I get home from work.
what I'm looking forward to?  Watching Baby N grow!
how are you feeling?  The nausea I had in the evenings went away about week 10.  I just feel really tired in the evenings.

Here's weeks 10-12.

First Glance

I had my intake appointment on April 6th to have bloodwork and then saw the doctor on April 14.  She couldn't pick up the heartbeat with the doppler since I was only measuring 8w4d, so we got to see our little peanut.  Our due date is November 20!

After my appointment, I told everyone at work since several patients had commented that I looked pregnant.  Those older ladies must have a sixth sense or something.

 I had a few issues while we were in Hawaii, so for my peace of mind I got another ultrasound.  Here's our peanut at 11 weeks.

Big News

We're having a baby! 

We found out on Coy's birthday.  I took one of the cheapo tests and saw a very faint second line.  After a few minutes, it turned darker.  I saved one expensive test for this very moment, so once I took it, the two lines almost immediately appeared.  I had been taking cheapo tests for the past week or so, just hoping this would be the month.  My cycles had previously been 32-35 days, so when Day 40 came around, I just thought I would have abnormal cycles.  As I took some of the cheapo tests, I would see one line show up pretty quickly and throw the test away since the second line didn’t appear (not waiting the five minutes I was supposed to d/t my impatience).   After I got the positive result, I looked in the trash and found ~10 tests with two lines.  I showed Coy and just laughed b/c I could have known a few days earlier.  Coy said it was his best birthday present ever!

Since I was already going to Houston the next day, I told my mom and sister.  I waited until Audrey had gone to sleep since I didn’t know if “KK’s having a baby” would slip out sometime.  Mom and Becca were very surprised that I was there for several hours before I broke the news!

I called the doctor first thing in the morning and made my first appointment.  I was only about 6 weeks, so I had to wait until I was about 10 weeks before the doctor would see me.  

We took Coy's mom to Babe's for her birthday, so we gave her a special gift.

We're beyond thrilled and can't wait until November.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hawaii - Kauai Part 2

Our morning wake-up call.  Chickens roamed freely around the island.

A few beach pictures.  We didn't spend much time at the beach - we were too busy seeing everything else.

Our view at dinner one night. There were actually cows roaming around amongst the coconut trees.
Took a drive to see the Kilauea lighthouse.
We spent our last evening at a luau.

Uncovering the kalua pig (cooked underground).
What Coy thought of the hula show…..

We tried several shave ice places, but this was the best.
Coy enjoyed a root beer float.

Aloha!  We will definitely be back!

Hawaii - Kauai Part 1

We spent the majority of the trip on Kauai, which was more relaxing than Honolulu.

Coy was interested in all the agriculture.  The main crop is taro, grown in these small patches and harvested by hand.

We took a helicopter tour to see the whole island.  Even though it was a little rocky when we ran into rain and wind, this was my favorite part of the trip.  

We saw a rainbow around the helicopter.

Spouting Horn - The waves hit the side of the rock so hard, it makes a spout in this hole.

The view from our condo. 

Coy was in heaven when we visited the coffee plantation.

We spent one day driving up Waimea Canyon and stopping at the lookout points.

It's hard to see, but that's a mountain goat.

At the very top and it started to rain.  They get over 400 inches of rain in this particular spot.