Friday, August 14, 2015

26 weeks

how far along?  26 weeks
how are you measuring? At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, I was 25w4d and my belly measured 27 cm.  
size of baby? size of a head of cabbage (9.2 in, 2 lb)
heartbeat? 150 bpm at my doctor's appointment
total weight gain/loss? According to my doctor, I've gained 15 lb.
maternity clothes? All maternity except for a few pairs of workout shorts.
stretch marks? My belly has been extremely itchy, but I haven't seen any stretch marks.
sleep? Still getting up once or twice in the middle of the night.  Leg cramps have come back in the middle of the night, so I usually get up to walk around to make them go away.
best moment this week? checking on Douglas at my doctor's appointment; Audrey said that she was going to give Douglas a kiss and a puppy; Coy was the mother-to-be in our childbirth class this week
movement?  I feel more movement on my right side and we heard the heartbeat on the left side.
food cravings? nothing out of the ordinary this week
gender predictions?  It's a boy!  
what I miss? having a normal size body
what I'm looking forward to?  getting the results of my glucose test; the doctor said it might be the end of this week so I'm hoping no news is good news since I haven't heard anything yet.
how are you feeling?  I'm still feeling okay besides the swollen ankles.  Sometimes after meals I feel really full since I don't have as much room.

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