Monday, June 29, 2015

18/19 weeks

how far along? 19 weeks
how are you measuring? right on track, as far as I know
size of baby? size of a tomato (6 in, .5 lb)
heartbeat? 158 bpm (at my 12 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I've gained 8-10 pounds.  
maternity clothes? maternity scrubs and maternity t-shirts; I can still fit in one pair of jeans and my regular shorts
stretch marks? I haven't noticed any new ones.  The black line on my belly is starting to show up.
sleep? I've been sleeping pretty good.  About once a week, I get leg cramps, but they don't last long.  I prop my feet up on 2 or 3 pillows since they are usually swollen by the end of the day.
best moment this week?  visiting Disneyland - kinda weird when Minnie Mouse kissed my belly
movement? not yet 
food cravings? Coke Icee
gender predictions?  It's a boy!
what I miss?  having normal size ankles
what I'm looking forward to?  finding fabric for Douglas's room when my mom visits this weekend
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Disneyland Part 3

The Little Mermaid
 Enjoying an afternoon treat
 Visiting Minnie's house
 I rode the teacups without getting sick.
 Jungle cruise
 Waiting for the World of Color show
I had to get a tractor shot for Coy.
It's a small world after all.  It's hard to get that song out of your head!
Matching shirts
We took the scenic route on the way to the airport and stopped by the beach.

Disneyland Part 2

 We met several princesses while having breakfast at Ariel's Grotto.
 Poor Snow White - Audrey told her that she liked Cinderella better.
Audrey asked Belle about her library.
While Neal, Becca, and Mom rode the big rides, Audrey and I found a place in the shade to rest.

Disneyland Part 1

The very first ride we rode was Pinocchio - that's a creepy story!
Mom was excited to ride on the same horse as Audrey.
Enjoying the parade.

It was a little weird when Minnie kissed my belly.
Mom and I rode the ferris wheel.

Friday, June 12, 2015

17 weeks

how far along? 17 weeks
how are you measuring? At my doctor's appointment this week, she said I measured 16w1d when I was 16w4d.  
size of baby? size of an turnip (5 in, 5 oz)
heartbeat? 155 bpm (at my 16 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? The doctor said I gained 2 lb, but my scale says I've gained closer to 5 lb.  My doctor didn't seem too concerned, so I guess I'm doing okay.
maternity clothes? I ordered some maternity scrub pants this week since my regular ones aren't very comfortable when I have to wear them below my belly.
stretch marks? I noticed a few small ones around my belly button.
sleep? Some nights are better than others.  I still toss and turn to get comfortable.
best moment this week?  Having my 16 week appointment and finding out we're having a boy!
movement? I think I've felt a few flutters, but don't really know what it's supposed to feel like.
food cravings? macaroni and cheese
gender predictions?  It's a boy!  My doctor will do the anatomy scan at my next appointment, but we had an elective ultrasound done at 16w6d because I was too impatient to wait to find out the gender.

what I miss?  nothing really - I've just been enjoying my pregnancy so far.
what I'm looking forward to?  shopping for Douglas - Even though people say there's not many choices for boy clothes, I've found lots of cute things.
how are you feeling?  still feeling pretty good; It was very exciting to share that we were having a boy with our family and friends.