Monday, December 31, 2012


We headed to San Antonio the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with my family.  

Audrey spent a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror.

My name was drawn for the "mystery gift".  I wasn't sure what was in the box, so Coy opened it.

 It wasn't bad at all.  The Santa cookie jar was kinda cute....and the cookies inside were good too :)

We spent Christmas day with Coy's family.  We were hoping for a white Christmas, but only got a few flurries.

Monday, November 26, 2012


We spent Thanksgiving with Coy's family since I had to work a few hours that morning.  I never thought that I would have a job where I had to work on holidays, but I'm thankful to have a part-time job while I'm going to school.  

We made a trip down to Beaumont for the weekend for Audrey's baptism.  She's grown so much since the last time I saw her and Uncle Coy finally got to meet her.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Audrey Anne

I spent the beginning of the week in Houston meeting my new niece, Audrey.  She was born on September 17.  She is perfect!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where's the Beef?



We sent a calf to the butcher a few weeks ago.  I picked up 4 boxes of meat today.  This is just half of the calf since we split the meat with somebody else.  Lots of ground beef, steaks, and roasts.

 I don't think I'll be cooking this.....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wedding and Baptism

We made a trip down to Beaumont for my cousin Candice's wedding.

Since all of the family was in town, Sarah and Nelson also baptized their newest addition, Witten, on Sunday.  Here's everyone who has worn the same baptismal gown.  Pretty cool to continue the tradition!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Future Farmers

Last weekend, these little cuties came to visit.  They loved helping Uncle Bubba work on the pecan sprayer and ride on the tractor.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Farm Auction

On Saturday, I rode with Coy to the farm auction in Comanche.  I didn't know what half of the stuff was.  The auctioneer rode in the back of the truck, so he could move to each piece of equipment.

This is what Coy had his eye on.....a pecan sprayer.  Even though we could only go 50 mph on the way home, we still made it home before dark. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Becca came into town this weekend and we ran in the Cowtown 5K.  I finished with a time of 41:05.  I was proud of myself for running the whole thing!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stock Show & Rodeo

We went to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo on Friday night.  We got there a little early to walk around the exhibit hall and to see the animals.  There weren't many food choices, so we ate BBQ for dinner.  Farm Bureau has a big "Planet Agriculture" exhibit that we checked out.  

We then headed to the Will Rogers Coliseum for the rodeo. (No Becca, I didn't notice the cotton candy in the picture!)  We waited until the last minute to get tickets, so we sat above the chutes.  It actually wasn't too bad.  During the team roping, one of the steers got hurt.  A tractor with a little caged trailer on the back drove out to pick it up.  I'd never seen that before.  Hopefully, the little calf was alright!

The night would not be complete without a funnel cake, so we bought one from the midway on our way out.  I took a few bites and was full, but Coy insisted that I bring it home instead of throwing it away.  However, I finally threw it away today since it was pretty soggy and gross looking.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

That's How I Roll

One of my OT assignments was to take a wheelchair out in public and notice people's reactions and also barriers someone may experience if they always used a wheelchair.  I know it might sound bad, but it was really just to give us a perspective from the people that we might work with in the future.  My friend, Virginia, and I decided to try a buffet, and Luby's was the only one on our way home.  I had to roll myself uphill in the parking lot, so that was definitely my arm exercise for the day.

 I made it through the buffet line.  They handed me the plate over the glass protector, so it was hard to reach.  The lady behind us kept giving Virginia a dirty look because she wasn't helping me.  I was also filling my glass with water and the cashier came and grabbed it out my hand to finish filling it up even though I was perfectly capable of doing it myself.

 I always felt like people were staring at me, but I don't really think that they were.  After awhile, I kinda forgot that I was even in the wheelchair.

Freezin' Frenzy

Our freezer was finally delivered.  We put it beside the fridge in the little nook of our kitchen.  I wanted a black one to go better once we remodel the kitchen.
 Over my long Christmas break, I started freezing lots of meals.  It's been a lifesaver on the days I get in late.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Semester #2

I started my second semester of OT school today.  This semester focuses on children, so I'm really excited about it.

Lots of books to read!
I have one binder to organize all of my classes.
The organization dork in me printed out to-do lists with each of my classes on it.  This is the only way I kept everything straight last semester.
I know I complain about driving to Dallas, but it will all be worth it in the end!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goals

Here are some of things I would like to accomplish in 2012:
1.  Run a 5k.
2.  Find a Sunday School class.
3.  Drink water instead of Diet Coke.
4.  Freeze at least one meal a week.
5.  Memorize 2 Bible verses a month.

We also ate our black-eyed peas and cabbage for lunch today.  I had never cooked cabbage before, but it was actually pretty good.....lots of butter and bacon makes anything taste good!