Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I survived Neuro!

I finished my summer class today.  I'm glad to have neuroanatomy behind me.  While it was interesting, some stuff was just over my head.  Now, I have two weeks off until the Fall semester starts.  I'm looking forward to relaxing and maybe finishing a few crafty projects.

It's a weird feeling talking to my teacher friends and seeing everybody post on Facebook about setting up their classrooms and starting school.  While I'll miss some of the kiddos, I can't say that I will miss spending hours setting up a classroom and all of the staff development!

I'm on Week 5 of the Couch to 5K program.  It's getting easier everytime.  It doesn't sound like much, but this chubby girl can now run 5 minutes at a time.  Hey, that's more than when I started.  I've also been going to a workout class at the church.  It feels good to be getting back in shape.

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