Saturday, July 30, 2011

Corn Hay

Coy decided to bale up the last corn field.  Jonathon came into town to stack up the hay and get it out of the field.

I brought lunch out to the guys.  Many meals have been eaten out in the field....just part of being a farmer's wife!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hot Hot Hot!

This heat is insane!  Everyday is up in the 100's and all I want to do is sit in front of the AC.  I guess there's not a happy medium.....I complained when we were getting all of the snow earlier this year and now I'm complaining about how hot it is.

My poor little plants don't stand a chance.  I put them by the door so I would remember to water them, and I still somehow forget to water them.  They might be past the point of no return, but I watered them one last time to see if they would perk back up.  Coy said he hopes I take better care of our kids than I do of the plants.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Couch to 5K

I started the "Couch to 5K" program this week.  If I stick with it, I'll be running 3 miles in 8 weeks.  It starts out running for a minute and then walking for 1.5 minutes over and over.  That doesn't sound like much, but it gave this overweight girl a workout.  There's even a handy Iphone app that tells you when to run and walk.  I think I can, I think I can.....

Monday, July 4, 2011

Canton and Curtains

Mom and Becca came into town this weekend.  On Saturday, we went to Canton.  The one thing I wanted was an old window that I could paint and hang in the bathroom.  I finally found one with all of the glass panes and in decent condition.  I also found some little salt and pepper shakers to put on a shelf in the kitchen.  I enjoyed looking at the junky stuff better than all of the nicer things.
I also needed some curtains for the kitchen.  There are six windows to cover, so making some would be a lot cheaper than buying them.  I found some material at Hobby Lobby and my wonderful mom started sewing.  After she made three of them, I did a little bit of the work.  I only messed up once, but it wasn't anything a seam ripper couldn't undo.  I love the new curtains!

Here's a video of the sewing adventures.

We're taking it easy for the 4th of July.  We planned to go to the little celebration in the park, but it was canceled so they didn't burn the town down with the fireworks.