Monday, September 6, 2010


Now that we're married, the two questions everyone asks are "How's married life?" and "When are you going to have kids?" My answers are "We haven't killed each other yet!" and "In a few years". We're not in any hurry to start having kids and we have a list (Yes, I love making lists!) of things we want to do. Right now it's a 5 year plan, but we'll see how everything turns out! For the last two weeks in church, it seems like the sermon really has reminded us of our plans and how it is the best thing for us. Last week talked about how sometimes we just have to wait! It would be nice to have everything NOW, but that's not always possible. Yesterday, Russell talked about how you have to be content with what you have before you can receive more. Yes, I would love to have a brand new kitchen and a remodeled bathroom, but it works for now and I should not complain about what I have.

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