Saturday, September 18, 2010

Antique Alley

We decided to have a garage sale during Antique Alley (aka the 25 mile yard sale that happens every September and April). We set up everything on the corner of the pasture since lots of traffic would be passing by. We have been gathering things for awhile and it felt good to get that pile of junk out of the house.
Coy contributed a few things to the garage sale. (2 shirts, a pair of Wranglers, and a big puffy A&M jacket from middle school) Several times during the garage sale, he put things in his pocket that he thought we should keep. He may be a candidate for those hoarding shows on TV. :)
Coy wasn't very excited about sitting at a garage sale all day, so he had an idea to make it worth his time. He called a friend whose family has a produce stand and offered to sell some of their extra produce. Coy can now add "watermelon peddler" to his resume'.

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