Thursday, April 7, 2016

Five Months Old

Weight: 19 lb 9 oz (95th percentile)
Length:  26.5 inches (79th percentile)
Head Circumference:  19 inches (>99th percentile)
Eating: 8-9 oz every 3-4 hours; We started fixing bigger bottles because he still seemed hungry after finishing his bottles.  Even though the doctor said it was okay to start solids, we are going to wait until he's closer to 6 months.
Sleeping:  We stopped using the swaddle this month.  We lay him down on his back in the pack-n-play and then he flips over to his stomach and usually falls asleep within 5-10 minutes.  He's so cute when his little bottom is up in the air.  We let him cry it out and it was hard at first, but I'm glad we have stuck it out. He usually goes down about 7:30/8:00 and sleeps until 7:00 in the morning.  He's usually snoozing hard, so we have to wake him up.  He takes a 3 hr nap at the babysitter's house and an hour nap when we get home.
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6 or 6-9 month clothes; 6 month sleepers; size 2 shoes
Likes: baths, smiling, chewing on his hands (sometimes he'll get his thumb in his mouth), laughing (especially when Mommy and Daddy scare him), playing in the jumpy seat
Dislikes:  snot sucker (he doesn't get upset everytime), getting his fingernails cut, pacifiers
Latest Tricks:  scooting around the pack-n-play, holding his bottle (he'll usually poke himself in the eye), tripod sitting for a few seconds, drooling, rolling from his back to his belly

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