Thursday, March 3, 2016

Four Months Old

Weight: 18 lb 6 oz (97th percentile)
Length:  25.75 inches (78th percentile)
Head Circumference:  18.75 inches (>99th percentile)
Eating: 6-7 oz every 3 hours; We'll still using the Walmart brand sensitive formula with rice cereal.  He still spits up quite a bit, but it seems to be getting a little better.  We started giving him gripe water before every bottle because he seemed to be very uncomfortable and would start to squirm when we laid him down after a bottle.  Some of it looks like discomfort, but sometimes he just gets mad that he can't fully roll over from his back just yet.
Sleeping:  We were on a pretty good schedule where he would fall asleep while eating his bedtime bottle and then sleep through the night (8:00/8:30 to 6:30/7:00) this month.  He then started waking up at 3:00AM for a few nights this week, but started sleeping through the night again.  I guess that was the 4 month sleep regression I kept reading about.  He had been sleeping in the rock-n-play since he was still congested, but we moved him back to the pack-n-play because he started turning over and wiggling a lot.  He doesn't really like the swaddle anymore, but keeps waking himself up if he doesn't have it on.  He usually takes a 30 minute nap on the way to the babysitter's house, 2-2.5 hour nap during the day and another 1 hr nap around 3:00 or 4:00.
Diapers: size 2
Clothes: 3-6 month or 6 month clothes; 6 month sleepers; size 2 shoes
Likes: baths, smiling, being tickled, laughing, reading books, Facetiming Nana and Aunt Becca, sitting up in the bumbo or high chair
Dislikes:  snot sucker, getting his fingernails cut, taking his bottle away to burp him
Latest Tricks:  small laughs, rolling over from belly to back, rolling from back to right side, breaking out of the swaddle, pulling on the overhead toys, playing in the exersaucer, sitting in the bumbo

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