Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Two Months Old

Weight:  13 lb 5 oz (79th percentile)
Length:   22.5 inches (28th percentile)
Head Circumference:  16.5 inches (99th percentile)
Eating: 3-4 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours; We started adding rice cereal to his formula since he was spitting up just about every feeding.  It helped a little, but he still spits up about every other feeding.  The doctor said it was reflux, but he's not in any pain when he spits up and he's gaining plenty of weight.  We switched to Similac Alimentum for a few days and even though he didn't spit up as much, it made him super fussy and gassy.  So now we're back to the Walmart brand Sensitive formula and rice cereal.  I'll deal with the spit up as long as I have a happy baby.  
Sleeping:  We had a few 5.5-6 hour stretches at night, but I think the formula change really affected his sleep.  Now he's up every 2-3 hours at night.  During the day, he usually has one longer morning nap and then sleeps for about 20-30 minutes at a time after that.  He's more alert during the day and gets a little fussy in the afternoon.  We're still taking turns at night, so Coy will usually stay up until midnight or 1:00 and then I'll feed him about 2:30-3:00 and then he'll go right back to sleep until 5:30 or 6.
Diapers: size 2
Clothes: 3 months;  some of his sleepers are getting a little tight, so we'll probably move to 6 months sleepers pretty soon
Likes: snuggles, eating, being swaddled, taking a bath, car rides
Dislikes:  anything cold, hiccups, being put in the car seat (but settles down once the car starts moving)
Latest Tricks:  smiling, splashing in the bathtub, looking up at lights and noises (especially ceiling fans), cooing at Mommy and Daddy, holding his head up more


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