Saturday, December 5, 2015

One Month Old

Weight: 10 lb 3 oz (58th percentile)
Length:  21 inches (29th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.25 inches (99th percentile)
Eating: 3-4 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours; We attempted breastfeeding, but it just wasn't working for us.  We started supplementing with formula and eventually moved to exclusively feeding formula around 2.5 weeks.  We switched to the sensitive formula since he was spitting up and gassy and it seems to be better for him.  He is a good burper.  He stretches his neck and shakes his head when he's reaching for the bottle. 
Sleeping:  He usually sleeps about 1.5 to 2 hours between feedings.  At night, he usually sleeps about 2-3 hours between feedings.  We're getting used to being sleep deprived.  I'll go to bed about 8:30 or 9 and Coy will stay with him until about midnight and then I'll take the early morning shift.  There were a few nights when he had his days/nights mixed up and stayed wide awake after eating, but now he usually goes right back to sleep after eating.  I just stare at him when he's sleeping because all the little faces and wrinkled brow are cute.
Diapers: newborn (first 3 weeks); now size 1's
Clothes: mostly 0-3 months; He's too long for most of the newborn sleepers but can still wear a few newborn pants.  His head was too big to fit in most of the newborn shirts.
Likes: snuggles, eating, sleeping, being swaddled, taking a bath, taking naps in the Mamaroo, tummy time
Dislikes:  anything cold, hiccups, being put in the car seat (but settles down once the car starts moving)
Latest Tricks:  looking up at lights and noises, recognizing Mommy and Daddy's voice, holding his head up

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