Thursday, December 31, 2015

December Happenings

Douglas met his cousins.
 Aunt Becca, Nana, and Audrey came to visit.
 Douglas's first trip to Campo Verde.
 Douglas took lots of baths.  Most of the time he likes it.
 We went to the mall to meet Santa.
 The many faces of Douglas.
He wasn't sure of the sock monkey hat that Doug and Sarah sent.
 We've gotten lots of snuggles.
He found his hands.
 Such a big boy!
Douglas went with me to get my hair done and almost made it the whole time before he got fussy.
We took some walks when the weather was nice.

Christmas in Houston

Douglas's first road trip to Houston.
He met Grandpa.
 Audrey showed him how to play with some of her baby toys.
 Coy took a few naps.
Douglas got lots of snuggles with Nana.
 Audrey helped Douglas open his presents - after she opened hers, of course.
Mom and I got selfie sticks from Mack.
 We played a mean trick on poor Baby Douglas, but I have to say he still looks cute in Audrey's nightgown.