Saturday, January 28, 2012

That's How I Roll

One of my OT assignments was to take a wheelchair out in public and notice people's reactions and also barriers someone may experience if they always used a wheelchair.  I know it might sound bad, but it was really just to give us a perspective from the people that we might work with in the future.  My friend, Virginia, and I decided to try a buffet, and Luby's was the only one on our way home.  I had to roll myself uphill in the parking lot, so that was definitely my arm exercise for the day.

 I made it through the buffet line.  They handed me the plate over the glass protector, so it was hard to reach.  The lady behind us kept giving Virginia a dirty look because she wasn't helping me.  I was also filling my glass with water and the cashier came and grabbed it out my hand to finish filling it up even though I was perfectly capable of doing it myself.

 I always felt like people were staring at me, but I don't really think that they were.  After awhile, I kinda forgot that I was even in the wheelchair.

Freezin' Frenzy

Our freezer was finally delivered.  We put it beside the fridge in the little nook of our kitchen.  I wanted a black one to go better once we remodel the kitchen.
 Over my long Christmas break, I started freezing lots of meals.  It's been a lifesaver on the days I get in late.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Semester #2

I started my second semester of OT school today.  This semester focuses on children, so I'm really excited about it.

Lots of books to read!
I have one binder to organize all of my classes.
The organization dork in me printed out to-do lists with each of my classes on it.  This is the only way I kept everything straight last semester.
I know I complain about driving to Dallas, but it will all be worth it in the end!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goals

Here are some of things I would like to accomplish in 2012:
1.  Run a 5k.
2.  Find a Sunday School class.
3.  Drink water instead of Diet Coke.
4.  Freeze at least one meal a week.
5.  Memorize 2 Bible verses a month.

We also ate our black-eyed peas and cabbage for lunch today.  I had never cooked cabbage before, but it was actually pretty good.....lots of butter and bacon makes anything taste good!