Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Snow Go Away!

Another artic blast came through last night. I was eagerly watching the news to see if we would start school at 10:00 since it didn't look like we would get much of the snow. Well, apparently they had to wait until this morning to make a decision and close our school. We didn't get much snow. I stayed in my pajamas all day and kept warm in our cozy house.

It was a pretty lazy day. It's one of the few days where Coy stuck around the house because it was too cold to do anything outside. I finished reading "Water for Elephants". It was interesting and not what I expected. It kinda makes me want to go to the circus. We also finished sorting our taxes. I didn't know what I was getting into with all this farming stuff. Coy made fun of me because I wanted to make lists or spreadsheets on the computer to make it easier to go through everything for next year. It doesn't hurt to be too organized, right?

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