Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is it Spring yet?

I'm glad this week is almost over and we can get back to normal. With all of the ice and snow, I've been going stir-crazy! I can always use a day off but it'll stink when we have to make it up later in the year and not have any days off from school after Spring Break. Yikes!

After our "ice day" on Tuesday, while most of the other schools were canceled, our school decided we should come on in. Well, I had 11 kids in my class and after losing power two different times, they sent us home at 10:00. At least I was able to get out for a little while! Coy had been running fever and stayed in bed all day. He had flu-like symptoms but woke up on Thursday without fever and feeling better. Weird! We also spent the day at his mom's house because the gas at our house was off until they could get some of the water out of the line.

Once again on Thursday, most of the schools were canceled, but not us! We started at 10:00.

They decided to cancel school on Friday, since it started snowing the night before. It was pretty. We managed to go into town and eat at the cafe' for lunch. Only slipped on the road once. Then, I got suckered into helping Coy feed the cows. My job was to open and close the gate. I'm really not made for this cold weather. I was doing okay, but my feet were freezing! I came home and curled back in bed for awhile and then finished a wedding scrapbook I had been working on. I did well documenting my showers and things before the wedding, but haven't been motivated to finish the rest. By the end, I was just gluing pictures on the page and called it done! I also attempted to make some sugar cookies from scratch and decorate them. I've seen all these cute decorated cookies that people make and figured it couldn't be too hard. They sure did taste good, but you won't find me on the Food Network anytime soon!

Now I'm spending one more lazy day at home. I can hear the ice melting from the roof and the snow is slowly melting. I sure hope that Groundhog was right and Spring is on its way!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Snow Go Away!

Another artic blast came through last night. I was eagerly watching the news to see if we would start school at 10:00 since it didn't look like we would get much of the snow. Well, apparently they had to wait until this morning to make a decision and close our school. We didn't get much snow. I stayed in my pajamas all day and kept warm in our cozy house.

It was a pretty lazy day. It's one of the few days where Coy stuck around the house because it was too cold to do anything outside. I finished reading "Water for Elephants". It was interesting and not what I expected. It kinda makes me want to go to the circus. We also finished sorting our taxes. I didn't know what I was getting into with all this farming stuff. Coy made fun of me because I wanted to make lists or spreadsheets on the computer to make it easier to go through everything for next year. It doesn't hurt to be too organized, right?