Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Family!

We had a laid back and enjoyable Christmas this year. Christmas Eve was pretty rainy and dreary, so we just relaxed. We went to the candlelight service at church and went to Coy's mom's house to eat barbeque and watch "It's A Wonderful Life". I missed taking the traditional "Heiner cousin" picture at church on Christmas Eve, but I guess since we're all grown now we're starting our own traditions.

We spent Christmas Day at Coy's sister's house. We ate Mexican food and made a gingerbread house with Todd. He kept putting half-eaten pieces of candy on it. Supposedly, that made them stick better. Next it was present time! Nothing's better than seeing a three year old and a 9-month old open presents. When Todd opened his present from us, he asked "Why did you get me a puzzle? That wasn't on my list."

On the day after Christmas, we made a quick road trip to San Antonio to celebrate with my family. I think I've gained a few pounds from eating so much junk over the past few days. I enjoyed spending time with everybody, but I'm glad to be home!

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