Monday, October 31, 2016


Too many toys!
Riding in the pasture with Daddy.
 Cutest pumpkin in the patch.
 The circus came to town.
 Getting ready to move back into our house.
 Mommy's cozy coupe
 One of our last bottles.
 Lots of exploring.
 Where's Douglas?
 Watching Daddy mow the grass.
 Fun at the park.
 Snack time.
 Reading a card from Mimi.
 Happy Halloween!
 Staying home with pink eye.
Waiting for the trick-or-treaters.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Eleven Months Old

Weight:  27lb (96th percentile)
Length: 32.5 in (99th percentile)
Head Circumference:  I didn't measure his head, but I'm sure it's still >99th percentile.
Eating: He has a bottle in the morning, 1 or 2 bottles at the babysitter's house, and one bottle before bed.  He eats whatever we eat.
Sleeping:  He usually goes down about 7:30/8:00 and sleeps until 6:30/7:00.  Some nights he'll sleep all night and some nights he's been waking up at 9:30 or 2:30 in the middle of the night.  He takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap at the babysitter's house.  
Diapers: size 5
Clothes: 18-24 month clothes; 24 month pjs; size 5 or 6 shoes since his feet are chubby
Likes: giving kisses/biting our arms, climbing, playing with his kitchen, reading books
Dislikes:  being put in the carseat, laying down
Latest Tricks:  says "BOOOO" when he sees a cow, plays peek-a-boo, drinks with straw