Weight: 26 lb 14 oz (98th percentile)
Length: I didn't measure him.
Head Circumference: I didn't measure his head, but I'm sure it's still >99th percentile.
Eating: He has a bottle in the morning, 1 or 2 bottles at the babysitter's house, and one bottle before bed. He still eats everything we put in front of him.
Sleeping: He usually goes down about 7:30/8:00 and sleeps until 6:30/7:00. He started waking up once during the night several times a week. He takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap at the babysitter's house.
Clothes: 18-24 month clothes; 18 month pjs; size 5 or 6 shoes since his feet are chubby
Likes: opening and closing doors, taking Daddy's pen from his overall bib, taking a bath
Dislikes: going to sleep, being told "NO", he started arching his back when he doesn't like something
Latest Tricks: standing up in his crib, crawls on his hands and knees, raising his hand like he's trying to wave