Wednesday, August 31, 2016


 We made a trip to Houston.
 Mama's night out at the Dixie Chicks
Where did my baby go?
Douglas learned how to stand up in his pack-n-play and crib.
 Happy baby!
 Picking and stomping grapes for my birthday.
 Go Zebras!
 Giving kisses!
 Still loves taking a bath!
 Cutest little puppy!
 Car rides are exhausting.
 Loves his new pirate ship!
 Hey mom, what's up?
 Play hard, snooze hard!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Nine Months Old

Weight:  26 lb 10 oz (98th percentile)
Length:   30 inches (94th percentile)
Head Circumference:  20.5 inches (>99th percentile)
Eating: 5-6 oz 3-4 times a day and 8 oz before bed; He still loves everything so far.  He's on all table foods now.  The babysitter cooks breakfast and lunch, so he has whatever the big kids eat.  
Sleeping:  He usually goes down about 7:30/8:00 and sleeps until 6:30/7:00.  He takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap at the babysitter's house.  
Diapers: size 4 
Clothes: 18 month clothes; 18 month sleepers (he has been sleeping in a onesie); size 4/5 shoes since his feet are chubby
Likes: climbing on the back of the couch to get closer to the window, biting our nose
Dislikes:  teething, laying on his back, diaper changes, cutting his fingernails
Latest Tricks:  pulling up on the couch, raising a toy above his head like a sign of victory