Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Douglas was happy to eat something besides formula.
 Such a sweet sleeping baby!
 Mommy's first Mother's Day
Cutest little pirate - thanks to Uncle Justin!
 Douglas loves playing with his toes.
Waiting for the doctor at his 6 month checkup
 We took a little road trip to College Station and Beaumont.
 This boy loves avocado!
 Memorial Day

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Six Months Old

Weight:  22lb  12oz (98th percentile)
Length:   26.5 inches (55th percentile)
Head Circumference:  19.5 inches (>99th percentile)
Eating: 8-9 oz every 3-4 hours; We've tried green beans, peas, and sweet potatoes and he loves everything so far.  He also likes the banana mum-mums.
Sleeping:  Still sleeping pretty well. We set up his crib this month and he likes the extra room to wiggle around.  He usually goes down about 7:30/8:00 and sleeps until 7:00 in the morning.  Once or twice this month, he woke up around 2, but usually falls right back to sleep.  He takes a 3 hr nap at the babysitter's house and an hour nap when we get home.
Diapers: size 4 - we changed from Pampers Swaddlers to Cruisers b/c he started leaking through
Clothes: 6-9 month, 9 month, 12 month clothes; 9 month sleepers; size 3 shoes
Likes: laughing, swinging outside, Susie the dog, going for walks in the Bob
Dislikes:  taking toys away, new people, getting his fingernails cut
Latest Tricks:  sitting up (still a little wobbly, but getting better), grabbing his toes, 2 bottom teeth, rides in his big carseat

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Douglas's Baby Dedication

We had Douglas's baby dedication at church.  Douglas enjoyed having his family come to see him.
Cutest little Elvis I've ever seen..thanks Aunt Becca!