Friday, November 27, 2015

Douglas's First Thanksgiving

This little turkey celebrated his first Thanksgiving.  We had dinner at Mimi's house and Memaw met Douglas for the first time.  Nana also came to visit for a few days.  We're thankful that we have a healthy, growing little boy.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Three Weeks Old

Our little buddy turned 3 weeks old today.
We've been reading lots of books.
He took his first bath since his umbilical cord and plastibell finally fell off.
He met his cousin, Audrey.  She thought he was pretty "cool" and smelled "yum".
He wasn't fond of the bouncer at first, but now likes it.
We went to Sunday School.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Two Weeks Old

The past two weeks have flown by!  We've been to the doctor 3 times for weight checks.  Douglas weighed 8lb 6oz at birth and dropped to 7lb 15oz when we left the hospital on Saturday.  We went to the doctor at 5 days old and he still weighed 7lb 15oz.  We went back at 8 days old and he had dropped to 7lb 9oz.  Even though the doctor wasn't too concerned, we started supplementing with formula.  When we went back at 13 days old, he weighed 8lb 7oz and he had surpassed his birthweight.  We now have a happy, content, and growing boy!
We ate out after Douglas' doctor's appointment when he was 8 days old.  
Douglas is more alert and sometimes stays awake after eating.
I just can't get over how cute he is!
He loves taking naps in the Mamaroo.
I took him to Target by myself when he was 11 days old.  We went early in the morning, so it wasn't too crowded.
He's starting to make funny faces and showing us his personality.
He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping.  It looks like he's saying his prayers.
My first Mommy fail - turning some of his clothes pink.
Tummy time
Reading books
Douglas' first time in the stroller

Thursday, November 12, 2015

One Week Old

Since he was a little yellow when we came home from the hospital, we put him by the sunlight and that seemed to help.
Nana watched a Youtube video to learn how to swaddle him using the blankets.
Daddy worked cows and had a new farmhand.

Mimi and Clint came to visit a few times.
We took newborn pictures and ate at the Mennonite restaurant afterwards.
The weather turned a little cool and the wind was blowing, so Douglas got to wear his new hat to keep his ears warm while Nana took him outside to listen to the cows.
Jeremiah 29:11
Douglas' first shopping trip at Walmart
What a blessing to have Baby Douglas here for a week already.  He's becoming more alert and looking around.  We've been getting a little rest at night because he usually sleeps 2-3 hours at a time. We went to the doctor when he was 4 days old to get a weight check since he only had a few wet diapers the day before.  He hadn't gained any weight, but hadn't lost any either so we're going back tomorrow for another weight check.

Douglas's First Days

Some of Douglas' biggest fans.  Aunt Kim also came to visit.
 Daddy changed the first diaper.  

 I had some cute hats for Douglas to wear, but they were too small.  His head was 41 cm (16 in).
 Getting ready to go home.
We headed home on Saturday since we were both doing well.  The nurses were surprised that I was moving around so well.